What is a Registered Desi…

What is a Registered Designated Caregiver?

A registered designated caregiver is someone over the age of 18 who assists a medical cannabis patient by administering cannabis, picking up medical cannabis from a distributor, or, – new effective July 1! - cultivating cannabis plants on the patient’s behalf. A caregiver can grow up to eight cannabis plants for a patient and may not be a caregiver for more than six patients at once. Note: patients who live in the same household count as one patient.

How to Become a Registered Designated Caregiver

The medical cannabis patient must log in to their medical cannabis patient file within the Office of Medical Cannabis and add a registered designated caregiver, along with any other information asked for.

If the registered designated caregiver is going to cultivate cannabis plants for the patient, the patient must assign their right to cultivate cannabis plants to the registered designated caregiver in their file.

Once the registered designated caregiver is approved, they may pick up or cultivate cannabis on the patient’s behalf.

Also, as of July 1, 2024, registered designated caregivers no longer have to go through background checks to be approved!

Becoming a Medical Patient

By the way - it is now free to register with the state as a medical patient (HF100 made that change last year). With that, coupled with the broad qualifying conditions, you may want to consider registering in the medical program if it is potentially helpful for you in order to get the employment, housing and other legal protections, delegate your plant count to a caregiver if you don't want to grow, etc.
